LUISS Guido Carli University

Predstavnici LUISS Guido Carli University će biti prisutni na EDufair-u i moći će da vam pruže detaljne informacije o njihovoj instituciji.
Pored individualnih sastanaka sa delegatima, moći ćete da učestvujete u radionicama i prezentacijama o temama vezanim za obrazovanje, kao i da iskoristite posebne popuste i mnoge druge odlične ponude.
Popunite formular za registraciju ispod. Učešće na događaju je besplatno.
Pored individualnih sastanaka sa delegatima, moći ćete da učestvujete u radionicama i prezentacijama o temama vezanim za obrazovanje, kao i da iskoristite posebne popuste i mnoge druge odlične ponude.
Popunite formular za registraciju ispod. Učešće na događaju je besplatno.
Located in the eternal city of Rome, Luiss is an internatioanl university specialized in the field of sicial sciences, providing a diverse leaning environment based on entrepreneurship, responsibility and sustainability. At Luiss, we inspire and enable a better world, believing htat social sciences play – and will play – a role in the emerging digital society.
Since its founding, Luiss has developd priviledged relationships with the business community, thanks to its affilitaatin with Confindustria, he General Confederation of Italian industry, as well a with the legal studios, government institutions and civil society. Luiss also has special relationships with European and Italian institutions, thanks to the numerous faculty members that have served within them.
Ranked #1 in Italy among private universities (Il Sole 24h)
Ranked top #50 QS World University Ranking (Political Science)
Ranked top #100 Financial Times (Management)
Since its founding, Luiss has developd priviledged relationships with the business community, thanks to its affilitaatin with Confindustria, he General Confederation of Italian industry, as well a with the legal studios, government institutions and civil society. Luiss also has special relationships with European and Italian institutions, thanks to the numerous faculty members that have served within them.
Ranked #1 in Italy among private universities (Il Sole 24h)
Ranked top #50 QS World University Ranking (Political Science)
Ranked top #100 Financial Times (Management)