The American College of Thessaloniki

American College of Thessaloniki je nezavisni američki koledž u Solunu, sa programima akreditovanim od strane NEASC – New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Ima eksluzivno partnerstvo sa vodećim evropskim i američkim univerzitetima i koledžima, pa tako i nude studentima mogućnost da steknu internacionalno iskustvo dok studiraju u inostranstvu. Sjajna lokacija, na samo nekoliko sati od Srbije, sa plažama na dohvat ruke, kao i moderna nastava na engleskom jeziku, čine ovaj koledž idealnim izborom za naše studente.
ACT (American College of Thessaloniki) is the tertiary division of Anatolia College, an institution with a long and prestigious history that dates back to 1886.
ACT is fully accredited in the United States by NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. ACT is validated by Open University, UK. ACT’S comprehensive undergraduate curriculum leads to: Bachelor degree in Psychology Bachelor degree in Business (International Business, Finance, Management, Marketing, Tourism) Bachelor degree in Computer Science Bachelor degree in International Relations Bachelor degree in English (Communications & New Media, English Literature) Dual Degrees in Engineering / Computer Science (3+2 dual programs in collaboration with Washington University in St Louis) Master’s of Science (MS) in Hospitality and Tourism Management Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) with 4 concentrations ACT also offers an extensive need and merit-based financial aid program and housing facilities for all international students.ACT (American College of Thessaloniki) is the tertiary
division of Anatolia College, an institution with a long and prestigious history that dates back to 1886.
ACT is fully accredited in the United States by NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. ACT is validated by Open University, UK. ACT’S comprehensive undergraduate curriculum leads to: Bachelor degree in Psychology Bachelor degree in Business (International Business, Finance, Management, Marketing, Tourism) Bachelor degree in Computer Science Bachelor degree in International Relations Bachelor degree in English (Communications & New Media, English Literature) Dual Degrees in Engineering / Computer Science (3+2 dual programs in collaboration with Washington University in St Louis) Master’s of Science (MS) in Hospitality and Tourism Management Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) with 4 concentrations ACT also offers an extensive need and merit-based financial aid program and housing facilities for all international students.
ACT is fully accredited in the United States by NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. ACT is validated by Open University, UK. ACT’S comprehensive undergraduate curriculum leads to: Bachelor degree in Psychology Bachelor degree in Business (International Business, Finance, Management, Marketing, Tourism) Bachelor degree in Computer Science Bachelor degree in International Relations Bachelor degree in English (Communications & New Media, English Literature) Dual Degrees in Engineering / Computer Science (3+2 dual programs in collaboration with Washington University in St Louis) Master’s of Science (MS) in Hospitality and Tourism Management Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) with 4 concentrations ACT also offers an extensive need and merit-based financial aid program and housing facilities for all international students.ACT (American College of Thessaloniki) is the tertiary
division of Anatolia College, an institution with a long and prestigious history that dates back to 1886.
ACT is fully accredited in the United States by NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education. ACT is validated by Open University, UK. ACT’S comprehensive undergraduate curriculum leads to: Bachelor degree in Psychology Bachelor degree in Business (International Business, Finance, Management, Marketing, Tourism) Bachelor degree in Computer Science Bachelor degree in International Relations Bachelor degree in English (Communications & New Media, English Literature) Dual Degrees in Engineering / Computer Science (3+2 dual programs in collaboration with Washington University in St Louis) Master’s of Science (MS) in Hospitality and Tourism Management Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) with 4 concentrations ACT also offers an extensive need and merit-based financial aid program and housing facilities for all international students.